FREE: Vegan Wondershake Taster
FREE: Vegan Wondershake Taster

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FREE: Vegan Wondershake Taster

“By a mile, the best vegan protein shake I’ve had. An absolute game changer for me and I’ll be coming back to try other flavours.” Ashley


Livraison Seulement 4,95€

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Get a FREE Vegan Wondershake Taster today when you buy ANY Vegan Protein Powder
Anyone who has ever tried a vegan protein shake will know they are very grainy, can be overly thick, and have an earthy taste that is far from palatable.

All this means they just don’t taste that great and aren’t easy to drink. Whilst they are packed full of plant-based super nutrients, better for the planet and your health, your taste buds are having to make a huge compromise.

Using breakthrough Quadplant™ technology, Vegan Wondershake is the world’s first vegan protein shake that tastes like a dairy shake. It’s smooth texture and unreal creamy taste are absolute game changers for anyone following a vegan diet.

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Nutritional Info

Il n'y a pas de valeur nutritionnelle pour ce produit


Crème Vanille

Pour les allergènes, voir les ingrédients en gras.
Mélange de Protéines QuadPlant™ (Isolat de Protéine de Pois, Isolat de Protéine de Soja, Protéines de Graines de Courge, Protéine de Riz Brun), Poudre de Cacao Allégée (Uniquement pour les saveurs Cookies Crème et Chocolat), Arôme, Colorant Naturel (Betterave Rouge - Uniquement pour la saveur Fraise), Stabilisant (Gomme Xanthane), Sel, Edulcorant (Sucralose), Colorant Nautrel (Curcumin - Uniquement pour la saveur Banane)  

Fabriqué dans une usine qui manipule du lait, des œufs, des céréales avec gluten, des arachides, des noix et du soja.

Q. When should I take Vegan Wondershake?

A. Vegan Wondershake can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere! Whilst it’s dependent on your goals and lifestyle, we recommend between 1-3 servings of Vegan Wondershake per day.

Q. How much Vegan Wondershake should I take?

A. We recommend between 1-3 25g servings of Vegan Wondershake per day.

Q. How can I tell if the protein I use is a good quality protein?

A. Keys signs to look for are the level of protein declared on the label. It should also be easy to mix and with little froth. Of course the ultimate way to know is from the results you get from taking the product.

Q. Is Vegan Wondershake suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

A. Yes, Vegan Wondershake is 100% Vegan and suitable for both vegetarians and vegans.

Q. Can I take too much protein?

A. If you don't burn the excess calories that come with the additional protein, it may lead to increased body fat. No other side effects have been noted.

Q. What if any side effects will I get from taking Vegan Wondershake?

A. We haven't heard of any nasty side effects from taking Vegan Wondershake.